PSD is the official sales representatives for PSCAD software and licenses in South Africa. PSCAD™/EMTDC™ is a fast, accurate, and easy-to-use power system simulation software for the design, analysis, optimization, and verification of all types of power systems.
The software enables the user to schematically construct a circuit, run a simulation, analyze the results, and manage the data in a completely integrated, graphical environment. It is a multi-purpose tool that can be used for the design and modeling of virtually any electrical power system.
PSCAD Training
PSD is an accredited training provider for PSCAD software. Our 5 day PSCAD introductory course enables the deligates to use the PSCAD software in real life applications while also refreshing their knowledge on basic engineering principles required when carrying out simulations.
- World-renowned simulation software PSCAD™/EMTDC™
- Simulation expertise since 1980s, commercial software for 30 years
- PSCAD as of January 2015:
- 37,000 seats
- 85 countries
- 1600 organizations
- Users include electrical utilities, wind farms, equipment manufacturers, consulting companies, and more
- EMTDC™, simulation engine and an integral part of PSCAD™, represents and solves differential equations in the time domain for both electromagnetic and electromechanical systems
- PSCAD™ provides the user with control and visualization technologies to operate EMTDC™
- PSCAD™ enables the user to schematically construct a circuit, run a simulation, analyze the results, and manage the data in a completely integrated, graphical environment
- Insulation coordination: lightning, switching, TOV, and TRV;
- Harmonics, ferroresonance, and power quality;
- Power electronics: HVDC and FACTS;
- Wind, solar, and distributed generation;
- Protection and relays;
- Equipment failure analysis;
- R&D and education
- FACE – Field and Corona Effects
- Enerplot – Offline Plotting and Analysis
- Convert PSS/E and PowerFactory data files to PSCAD V5 and V4.6.
- Import detailed dynamic data.
- Import sequence data.
- Import location data for auto-routing and seamless graphical representation.
- Form network equivalents for unexpanded segments of the network.
- Re-initialize the generated PSCAD project.
- Contingency studies of AC networks consisting of rotating machines, exciters, governors, turbines, transformers, transmission lines, cables, and loads
- Sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) and Sub-synchronous Control Interaction (SSCI) studies of networks with machines, transmission lines, converters, and HVDC systems
- Renewable resource integration studies and model validation including wind turbines and solar PV plants
- Relay coordination
- Transformer saturation effects
- Over-voltages due to a fault or breaker operation
- Insulation coordination of transformers, breakers, and arrestors
- Impulse testing of transformers
- Evaluation of filter design
- Harmonic analysis including resonance
- Control system design and coordination of FACTS and HVDC; including STATCOM, VSC, etc.
- Variable speed drives of various types, including cycloconverters and transportation and ship drives.
- Optimal design of controller parameters
- Industrial systems including compensation controllers, drives, electric furnaces, filters, etc.
- Investigation of new circuit and control concepts
- Lightning strikes, faults, or breaker operations.
- Steep front and fast front studies.
- Investigate the pulsing effects of diesel engines and wind turbines on electric networks.